Awards and certifications

We are very proud of our industry certifications, and the awards we have won for our work.

ISO 9001 accreditation

We consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements

ISO 45001 accreditation

We provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health

ISO 22301 registered

Provision of IT Services including hardware and software, server set up support, and maintenance and email and website hosting.

Level 1 B-BBEE certification

Nkgwete IT Solutions is a proud level 1 B-BBEE Qualifying Small Enterprise

POPI Act compliance

We meet the legal requirements regarding the accessing and processing of personal information

Africa Tech Week Awards 2019

Winner: Africa Tech Woman of the Year Award

Oliver Top Empowerment Awards 2018

Finalist: ICT Award


Certified Team Award

Standard Bank Top Women Awards 2019

Winner: Top Gender-Empowered Organisation: Fast-Growth Women-Owned SMME Award


Gender Management Awards

SITA GovTech Digital Public Service Awards 2019

First runner-up: Digital Woman category

Impressed by our awards and certification? Want to learn more?